Tim Floyd said he plans to go with a nine man rotation when the season rolls around, and yesterday against the Nuggets at Denver he used exactly nine players.  Second year player Marcus Fizer and Dalibor Bagaric were included, high school rookies Eddy Curry and Tyson Chandler were not.  Coincidence?

I am sure Bulls fans everywhere can see it now.  It is going to be a year of sitting, wasting away, for the two rookies much like it was for Jamal Crawford last year.  But Floyd lives by his word that he did the right thing with Crawford, and it is looking more and more like he will repeat the dose with the two teens.  Where is Alvin Gentry when you need him?

Floyd said one thing is for certain, the pecking order starts with vets Charles Oakley and Greg Anthony.  They are guaranteed the minutes, and then it will work itself down from there.