Jazz coach Jerry Sloan spent a good portion of Monday"s game with the Miami Heat hollering at Quincy Lewis.

Sloan yelled at the young guard even more than he yelled at the referees.

Lewis was admonished to run the court faster and to go after rebounds harder, to set better screens and to react better to double-teams. He even got scolded because his jersey was starting to come untucked.

Yet if the going was tough for Lewis, it was even worse for the likes of John Starks, Greg Ostertag and John Amaechi. For all his complaining, Sloan allowed Lewis to play 21 minutes against the Heat while the other three sat all night.

In his postgame comments, Sloan was somewhat cryptic as to the target of his wrath, yet he left no doubt that he has had enough.

""Our team can play against anybody in basketball if we have the right attitude," Sloan said. ""But we have three or four guys who don"t buy into the program. They"re not willing to work and do the extra stuff to make themselves better."