It takes a special front office to put one of its players on the rack and torture what few fans it has for four months just to end up with basically the same deal it could have had in training camp. So it's no wonder Vince McMahon and the other judges and officials in Salt Lake City just gave the Warriors poor marks for presentation.

That doesn't begin to address what Golden State loyalists are giving general manager Garry St. Jean -- funny, but that's not the sign people in other cities use to boast about being No. 1. The classic part is that the Marc Jackson mess isn't behind the Warriors even when it's behind them. They traded Jackson in time to beat the trade deadline, but not their rep.

Rarely has anyone wrestled so much and accomplished so little. They fought hard for the grand victory of a lateral move while Dallas and Indiana got better, Del Harris and Nick Van Exel got reunited and a bad flashback, Travis Best and Avery Johnson got lucky, and Denver got a lot worse but at least with a plan -- all part of a frenzied week. Or, how the NBA Spent Its Trade Deadline.