Brad Rock writes an excellent column on John Stockton's longevity.

"At an age when most men are just getting comfortable with a sedentary life, John Stockton presses on. Eighteen seasons and the man still loves working the night shift. He takes a couple of weeks off after the season ends to recover, but then it's back to the gym, the treadmill or out pounding the streets.
Running, always running, trying to out-race time and age and leave them gasping in his wake. Forty years old, Tuesday, and he's not backing off. He should be limping on tender knees, replaying memories of a marvelous career. But there is no relaxing in Stockton's world, no time to look back at a career well spent.
There are still games to be won, goals to be met.
In that sense, it has been a disappointing season for Stockton. Though his statistics are as good or slightly better than last year, the team has been a relative failure. Because of that, it has been an excruciating year for the man who can turn lunch into a competitive event. But his approach hasn't wavered. Each night it's the same. He arrives early and goes straight to the locker room. He doesn't chat with fans or sign autographs, doesn't do pregame interviews.
There is only time to prepare for another young gun, bent on beating a legend."