Tim Buckley of the Deseret News writes about Karl Malone latest run-of-the-mouth, running for Governor?

"We won't be wasting a lot of money that we been wasting on unnecessary stuff," Malone says in the report. "Put it like this: I'll put money where it should be. I'll put it in the police department, our school system.

"I'm not saying I would do everything perfect, but . . . I would put (the money) in places that really need it. You know? Because I deal with a lot of those people on a regular basis. School teachers, fire department, police department ? people that make our society tick. It's easy for us to lay in our bed at nighttime, and (think), 'Aw, it'll be all right; (call) 911, the cops show up and all that.' But these guys out there put their life on the line all the time."

Lookout Utah, he sounds a little serious about this one.