The Chicago Bulls were rarely in sync during the 2001-02 season and Chandler doesn?t know how he will deal with his frustrations this summer cause of the losses. : "The thing that's going to stick with me all summer is the losing. It's something I don't want to go through throughout my career. It's simple: I'm not going to allow that to happen, and I know the players around me aren't." said Chandler.
In the same way, Jalen Rose is not happy with loses and suggested that the team can score against most teams. He is inquiring for defensive minded veterans.
With goals by Chandler and comments by Rose, K.C. Johnson, of the Chicago Tribune, suggests that Chandler and rose have the same goal: the off-season.
Krause met with the coaching and scouting staffs past Friday to discuss plans for the off-season. The speculation is that if the Bulls have pick 1 or 2 it will be used on either Ming or Jason Williams. After Krause?s comments, the speculation is that the team will trade the pick if they can?t select either player. "I've never said I wouldn't trade draft choices," Krause said. "What I've said is I wouldn't trade a draft choice until I knew who was on the board."