Chad Nielson of the Salt Lake Tribune reports:

The Jazz are involved in negotiations to have point guard Raul Lopez, their first-round draft choice in 2001, released from his contract with Real Madrid.
"We want Raul Lopez now," Jazz vice president Kevin O'Connor told the sports daily Marca.
O'Connor met Tuesday with Real Madrid coach Sergio Scariolo and Lopez agents David Bauman and Gorka Arrinda. According to Lopez's contract with Real Madrid, the team must be paid $5.4 million for his release. NBA by-laws prevent the Jazz from paying more than $350,000.
Marca reported the Spanish team lowered its demand from $5.4 million to $3 million. Lopez's agents reportedly countered with an offer to pay half that amount now if Real Madrid would allow Lopez to pay the remaining $1.5 million after his three-year rookie contract expires.
Scariolo said the team would consider the offer and respond quickly because the Jazz needed to know Lopez's status in advance of the June 26 NBA draft.