Mark Montieth of the Indianapolis Star reports: You start with the fact that everyone admits they lie.

That aside, the Indiana Pacers sound ready to wave the flag and eat apple pie tonight as they make their selection in the NBA draft.

Free of glaring needs, the Pacers hope simply to land a player who can contribute to a young, deep and promising team. Not three or four years down the road, but next season. At any position. Preferably, a versatile player who can help at more than one position.

They believe their best chance of finding that player is to select one with three or four years of experience in the American collegiate system. Since most of those are likely to be available after the Pacers' 14th pick rolls around, they might have the luxury of trading down to do it.

Donnie Walsh and coach Isiah Thomas tried Tuesday to deflect conversation from Kareem Rush, who most mock drafts project going to the Pacers. That might have been an attempt to hide their intent, but it also seemed to indicate their willingness to trade for a lower pick and pick up a future first-round selection.

Walsh, meanwhile, reaffirmed the possibility of selecting a foreign player who could be kept overseas for a year on another team's payroll, which would help the Pacers avoid the luxury tax next season.

Draft candidates who would fill that niche include Bostjan Nachbar (who turns 22 next week), Mladen Sekularac (21) and Jiri Welsch (22). Sekularac and Welsch are likely to be available if the Pacers move down.