Shira Springer of the Boston Globe reports that the Celtics are focusing on Travis Best. After Erick Strickland signed with the Indiana Pacers, the Celtics need for a point guard turned them toward best.

The Celtics have been interested in Best ever since Kenny Anderson was traded to the Seattle earlier this summer, but it was believed that Best would command too much money to agree to sign with Boston.  But early last week, Minnesota signed Troy Hudson to what many believed would be the last big-money contract for a point guard. After that move, Best resurfaced among the Celtics' options. Still, Boston will not pay Best more than the minimum of $762,435 (with the team responsible for $637,435) as he enters his seventh NBA season this fall.

''We would like to have Travis visit,'' said Celtics GM Chris Wallace. ''He's the guy we're putting our emphasis on now. We would like to have him come in, if he feels that's part of his decision-making process. Sometimes guys sign without ever making a visit.

''If we miss on him, we'll regroup and go from there. We think he would bring significant experience from playing on winning playoff teams, including a trip to the NBA Finals. Travis has played well against the Celtics the last few years. He can shoot the long ball, which is imperative in this system, and he can defend as well.''

The Miami Heat are also interested in Best, and may have more money to offer, but are probably not interested in more than a one-year contract. Best has been offered the veteran minimum by other teams, though Boston is hoping that playing time, the opportunity to start, and being near his hometown will be strong selling points.