Will Ron Artest ever be able to curve that anger and remain such a feared defender in the NBA?  If you read the article by Bob Kravitz in the Indianapolis Star it shouldn't matter... as long as Artest is straightened out.

According to Kravitz Artest's problems are bigger than him, and both the player and the organization need to do something about them.  Every time after he explodes he stands before the media vowing that it will not happen again, but there is always an encore.  Fines and suspensions are not doing the trick, and Kravitz is hinting that the problem may be psychological.  'If it's something that requires medical and/or psychological attention, and that's my sense of the thing, then it's time to get that attention, with the aid and blessing of the entire organization, he writes.

Artest had a  long-scheduled meeting Thursday with NBA officials, but in all seriousness what will come of it?  Little, if anything, would be the safe bet.  The Pacers need to do something, and do it now.

'The Pacers cannot tolerate another outburst. Artest's combustible nature not only jeopardizes the team's long-term success, but casts this otherwise classy organization in an unfavorable light,' writes Kravitz.  

While it is true that Artest is feared by his NBA peers far and wide for his strong and physical defensive prowess, it is another thing for the Pacers to sit in fear waiting for yet another explosion.