Jimmy Smith of the New Orleans Times-Picayune reports: Baron Davis? status for tonight?s Game 2 showdown between New Orleans and Philadelphia is up in the air.

Davis, who was a bone bruise on his left knee, is wearing an electronic stimulator to help reduce the swelling.

The stimulator, which is worn five to six times a day, is really helping according to trainer Terry Kofler.

"It's (the swelling) gone down tremendously," Kofler said.

Davis said the knee feels better than it did after Sunday?s 98-90 Game 1 loss to Philadelphia but whether or not he plays in Game 2 is up to team orthopedist Gregor Hoffman.

"I am feeling better," Davis said. "Each day of rest, it's going to get better. Tomorrow, it will probably feel better than it does today. It's out of my hands to determine whether I'm going to play. It's in the doctor's hands."

If Davis cannot play, coach Paul Silas? backup plan is to move David Wesley to point guard and to put George Lynch into the starting lineup at shooting guard.

While he would like to see Davis play, he does not want him to further injure his knee.

  "Ideally, if he could play at somewhat full strength, we'd be a better club. But if he's going to re-injure the thing because we didn't give it enough time to rest, I don't want that either. We'll make do until Saturday and have him ready on Saturday."