Jack Haley was known more for towel waving and cheering than dunks or rebounds during his NBA career. Now a member of Fox Sports Net, Haley has either scooped everyone on a major NBA trade (trumping the likes of Ford, Stein and Aldridge) or he's the unfortunate victim of bad information.

Haley is reporting the Lakers will trade Vlade Divac, Caron Butler and Devean George to the Utah Jazz in exchange for big man Carlos Boozer, pending league approval. However since Fox Sports posted the article early Monday afternoon there has been no other confirmations in other major media outlets. Jazz owner Larry Miller and VP Kevin O'Conner have dismissed the reports.

Alternate scenarios are appearing in other main stream media sources with the Chicago Tribune's Sam Smith writing that the Jazz may receive Butler, Luke Walton and Slava Medvedenko for Boozer, though other players would have to be involved to match salaries.

The NBA's trade deadline is Thursday.