On the eve of announcing the signing of Ray Allen, and with point guard Rick Brunson also soon to join the fold, the Seattle SuperSonics continue contract negotiations with forward Vladimir Radmanovic in hopes of signing the four-year veteran to a long-term deal.

Brunson, a serviceable journeyman who will back up starter Luke Ridnour, will sign a contract this weekend, according to a source. Brunson, who has been with six teams in nine seasons ? including two stints apiece with New York, Portland and Chicago ? will sign a one-year, $1 million deal. It will be the first guaranteed contract of Brunson?s career.

The Radmanovic situation is a bit more tenuous. The Sonics are offering a six-year deal that, with incentives, could be worth as much as $42 million.

Citing the five-year, $47 million deal signed by Bobby Simmons, who left the Clippers to go to Milwaukee, Radmanovic?s side is asking for another $1.5 million per season, giving him a six-year, $51 million deal.

Radmanovic flew to Seattle from Serbia-Montenegro and his agent, David Bauman, came in from his Washington, D.C., home to meet with Sonics owner Howard Schultz, CEO Wally Walker and general manager Rick Sund over the past few days, with negotiations set to continue today.

If the Sonics do not increase their offer, Bauman said it is likely Radmanovic will sign a one-year tender offer worth $3.2 million, allowing him to become an unrestricted free agent next season. Radmanovic has until Sept. 15 to sign the one-year tender.

?Vladimir?s first choice is to be here, which is why he flew in from Belgrade and will miss the first week of training for the national team,? Bauman said. ?We are hopeful we are going to get a deal, but it is too early to say what it is going to be.?

The Sonics would like to get a decision from Radmanovic so they can move forward in attempting to sign their other free agents.