The NBA will investigate the incident involving Avery Johnson's wife and two fans which occured during Game 4 in Phoenix, is reporting.

Mavericks owner Mark Cuban and reserve center DJ Mbenga, who was inactive and in street clothes for Game 4, entered the stands late in the first quarter after Cassandra Johnson,  got into a dispute with two Suns fans.

Cuban and Mbenga were joined by team security coordinator Jim Colleran in a section overlooking the Mavs' bench to check on Cassandra Johnson. A misdemeanor assault complaint was reportedly later filed by the fans against Johnson for allegedly shoving and swearing at them.

It was not immediately known if Cuban or Mbenga are facing sanction from the league for going into the stands. NBA spokesman Brian McIntyre said the incident would be reviewed by the league office Wednesday.

It was not immediately clear whether the actions of an owner and/or an inactive player would be interpreted similarly.

Cuban tried to downplay the incident at halftime, calling it "a non-event."