Young Sonics center Robert Swift had surgery in Los Angeles on Wednesday to repair a torn right anterior cruciate ligament. Today will serve as the first day of an arduous and challenging rehabilitation process for the 20-year-old. Swift tweaked his knee on Oct. 25 during a preseason game with the Sacramento Kings.

Swift is expected to miss the rest of the season and may not be ready for training camp in 2007 if recent history is any indication. Denver forward Nene, who tore his right ACL on opening night last season and had surgery Nov. 21, 2005 -- 366 days prior to Swift -- was expected to be fully recovered by the regular season, but he is still experiencing knee soreness.

"He has no idea what he's headed into," Sonics coach Bob Hill said of Swift. "It's really hard and it's boring. You have to be in there (rehabilitating) every day. ... I've seen this operation destroy a guy's leg and they drag it because they don't rehab it right. It takes enormous discipline."