Seven officials from the Minnesota Timberwolves were on hand to witness a work-out involving O.J. Mayo in Chicago on Saturday, the Associated Press is reporting.

The Wolves' officials then conducted an hour long interview with the former USC star, with much of the discussion centered on improper benefits Mayo allegedly received through an agent while playing in his one season of college ball.

"We wanted to pin him down on some things," Wolves' GM Jim Stack said. "I'm really impressed with the fact that he was very much a standup person. He knows he's got to be accountable for whatever happens in his life. He wasn't looking to make excuses for anything. Regarding the allegations, he basically told us that he didn't do anything wrong. I tended to buy into what he was saying."

Minnesota holds the third overall pick in Thursday's draft, with Derrick Rose and Michael Beasley expected to go in the first two picks.