Free agent forward James Posey would like to sign a four-year deal, according to The Boston Globe.

He appears to be treating these negotiations as if his next contract will be his last. The Pistons, Lakers, Hornets, Cavaliers, Wizards, and Celtics are all interested.

However, no team is willing to offer more than a three year deal.

"At the end of the day, [the fans] have to realize this is a business decision for both sides," Posey said of saying with Boston. "[The Celtics] will do what is best for themselves. That's the nature of it."

"If I had my way, this would be over with. I'm taking it one day at a time; that's all you can do. You can't control the situation. I appreciate the support. It's great the fans are here, and they appreciate the way I play the game. If they could control it, we probably wouldn't be in this situation. They are loyal fans, they are diehard, and they support the team," he added.