Clippers' center Chris Kaman claims that his decision to play for the German national team was strictly made so that he could play basketball, according to The Grand Rapids Press.

"I thought it was about the basketball," Kaman said. "I would have played for my country if my country needed me."

A lot of people have criticized Kaman for deciding to play for Germany, a country he had never visited prior to joining the team. His great-grandparents were born there, which allowed him to play for the country.

"I look at this as a great opportunity to live a dream," he added. "I play basketball, and I'm getting this chance to be part of the Olympics. It's about the basketball for me, not politics, not anything else. I was going to play basketball this summer, and this seems like a great way to do it.

"People calling me traitor on the radio and stuff, I don't understand that. It's basketball. I love my country."