Jazz guard Ronnie Brewer isn't letting trade rumors effect his play on the court.

Brewer has been linked in rumors involving the Grizzlies, who may be looking to acquire him as insurance should Rudy Gay skip town in the coming year.

The Arkansas product said he had about 50 messages from friends and family when he woke up on Thursday.

"We don't have a professional team, so they took that pretty seriously," said Brewer. "My mom called me, my dad called me and they were pretty worried, but as far as I know, I'm still on this team playing."

Utah isn't believed to have initiated the talks and they were disappointed that Memphis made their interest in Brewer public.

"I'm still here with the team," the guard said. "You can hear those type of rumors as closer you get to the [trade] deadline. I'm just going to continue to play hard and try to help this team try to win games. As long as I'm here, I'm still going to try to do my best."