Derek Fisher, the president of the National Basketball Players Association, said the union is working to draft a proposal for a new collective bargaining agreement with the NBA.  

The players felt the league's proposal -- which included reductions in players' revenue share and guaranteed salaries, as well as the institution of a hard cap -- could not be the starting point for a fruitful bargaining session.

“We’ll just continue to push as hard as we can, so it’s as realistic and as serious a proposal as it can be, and not something we send back just for the exercise,” Fisher said.

“We know there’s going to be a lot of work involved,” he said. “We’ll keep pushing, and see what we can give back into their hands. There’s not a timeline or any guarantee it will be in their hands by a certain date.  We have this season, this summer and the entire year next year before we get down to doomsday.”