Jazz assistant coach Tyrone Corbin could be the next hot head coaching candidate in the NBA.

"He's ready to be a head coach," Carlos Boozer said of Corbin. "I think we have a luxury of having him with us and hopefully we can keep him. But he's in a place in his career where he's ready."

Corbin has been a member of Jerry Sloan's staff in Utah for six seasons.

"He can watch your game and analyze your game better than a lot of guys can analyze their own game," Ronnie Price added. "You need that outside look, you need that advice from someone who's been there and experienced it."

Corbin hired an agent earlier this month, a possible step towards interviewing for lead gigs.

"I haven't had one in the past and I've gotten interviews," Corbin said of hiring an agent, "so I just decided to have somebody else represent me instead of me doing it myself."