Not surprisingly, Tom Thibodeau sees Derrick Rose as an MVP candidate this season.

"He's having an MVP season, but he's an MVP guy," Thibodeau said Tuesday on "The Waddle & Silvy Show" on ESPN 1000.

"I think his leadership has been tremendous. Not only him but along with Carlos [Boozer] and Joakim [Noah] and Luol [Deng]. Your best players have to help lead your team, and all four of those guys have done that all season."

Chicago is 25-12 despite being without Boozer and Noah for a combined 27 games.

Rose, averaging 24.3 points and 8.1 assists, has been the constant, playing all but one game in his third season.

"The things that he is doing out on the court are amazing," Thibodeau said.

"I think when you look at his skill set, the way he combines his athleticism, his speed, quickness, strength and now you add to it his shooting. The biggest thing is defensively he's made huge strides all season long. Just the way he's running the team; he's playing a complete game. He's doing so many things that help you win."