Nick Gilbert, the 14-year-old son of Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert, will represent the Cavs on stage at the NBA Draft lottery Tuesday in Secaucus, N.J.

Nick is the 2011 National Children's Tumor Foundation Ambassador.

The CTF is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of more than one in 3,000 children born with Neurofibromatosis, a nerve disorder that causes tumors to grow anywhere in the body at any time.

Nick was born with NF and has endured brain surgery, the loss of vision in one eye and four rounds of chemotherapy.

''We talk a lot about heroes in sports, but sometimes we overlook the heroes that are in front of us every day,'' Dan Gilbert said. ''Nick has never complained a single time about the bad card he was dealt, and instead, chooses to focus on all that is good and exciting around him. He is an example of perseverance, determination and life the way it should be lived. Nick is my personal hero.''