Luka Doncic finished with 35 points, 10 rebounds, and 11 assists in 25 minutes during the Dallas Mavericks' 142-94 win over the Golden State Warriors. 

Doncic set a record for the least playing time in NBA history for a player with a 30-point triple-double, as well as being the first player to register more points, assists, and rebounds than an opposing team in a quarter since 2003.

"Look, he's a very special player on a special roll. There's not much else to say. This isn't a big newsflash now. This is getting to be pretty normal," said Rick Carlisle.

J.J. Barea added that he thought Doncic could average a triple-double for the season. Doncic is currently averaging 29.5 points, 10.7 rebounds, and 9.3 assists per game.

"But we were talking about if he can keep this up, and I was like, 'Yo, if somebody can keep this up, it's him.'" He plays on the ground. He's super smart. He's shooting the ball well. He's finishing really well. I see him keeping it up. It's not hard for him to do this right now. He's not forcing crazy s---. It's just coming. That's why I think he can keep this up. He's making it look easy."