The NBA and NBPA are moving forward with a 2021 All-Star Game, albeit without the support of LeBron James.

"I have zero energy and zero excitement about an All-Star Game this year," James said. "I don't even understand why we're having an All-Star Game."

James has played in the All-Star Game in 16 of his 17 previous seasons.

James questioned the quick turnaround to the 20-21 season following the conclusion of The Finals in October 

"Short offseason for myself and my teammates, 71 days," James said.

"And then coming into this season, we were told that we were not having an All-Star Game, so we'd have a nice little break. Five days [in March] from the 5th through the 10th, an opportunity for me to kind of recalibrate for the second half of the season. My teammates as well. Some of the guys in the league.

"And then they throw an All-Star Game on us like this and just breaks that all the way up. So, um, pretty much kind of a slap in the face."