Klay Thomas has been cleared for full contact work and has began participating in some 5-on-5 work as he works his way back from a torn Achilles.

Thompson suffered the Achilles tear in November 2020 following a torn ACL in June 2019.

"He played 5-on-5 [Monday] and then I think he's going to play 5-on-5 [Wednesday]," Steve Kerr said after Tuesday's 117-99 win over the Brooklyn Nets. "James [Wiseman] did not play. He hasn't been cleared yet for 5-on-5, but Klay did, and I got good reports and he's got to keep going. A two-year absence requires a lot of work. Not just a rehab, but the endurance, the strength, so it's great that he's playing 5-on-5 but it doesn't mean he's going to be ready to step on an NBA floor next week or something, but he's progressing really well."

The Warriors hope Thompson could return by Christmas.

"It's huge," Draymond Green said of Thompson's pending return. "From a mental standpoint alone, just huge. So I think it also helps with the way other teams view you as well. So we're looking forward to getting him back. We know what he brings to the table. We're not expecting him to be Klay Thompson of 2018 right away, but he's worked his ass off. He's worked his ass off for this moment, and I'm looking forward to getting him back out there."