June 2010 Los Angeles Clippers Wiretap

Lack Of Hustle Limiting Jordan's Minutes

Mar 24, 2010 4:34 PM

Clippers interim coach Kim Hughes isn't going to increase the minutes of young center DeAndre Jordan unless he starts playing better defense.

Jordan is averaging 14:41 minutes per game this season.

"If he runs back harder on defense, he'll play more," Hughes said. "His offense was good. He was four of five from the field, all dunks, no post moves. In practice today he was terrific.

"His playing time is predicated only on playing defense. If he plays better defense, he'll play up to 30 [minutes]; he knows that. I'll be true to that. But it's on him. He has to follow up what he needs to do."

Los Angeles Times

Tags: Los Angeles Clippers, NBA

Kaman Showing Frustration With His Play

Mar 17, 2010 6:25 AM

Clippers center Chris Kaman is very frustrated with the way he's been playing lately.

Kaman went 3-for-15 from the floor with eight points in a close loss to the Hornets on Monday night.

"Clearly when he's gone to the point that he's fried, you've got to take him out. You still have to run plays for him, work out his kinks with him," said Clippers interim coach Kim Hughes. "Get him some touches because he couldn't make any shots at the start of practice, but the second half of practice, he started making some shots.

"He's one of those guys who doesn't need criticism. He's bashing himself twice as hard as he should be and no one feels worse than he does."

During Tuesday's practice, Kaman was still brooding.

"I've had some bad games the last five games ? I'm not doing it on purpose, I'm really not," Kaman said.

He is still averaging 18.8 points and 9.1 rebounds this season, but he's putting up just 11 points per game over the last five contests.

"It's tough. My minutes are really inconsistent," Kaman said. "I'll start the game and they'll take me out with six, seven minutes to go. I'll go in for a little bit in the second quarter. I don't really feel like I can get into a rhythm. It's kind of tough ?the coaching change.

"I like Kim. We've had our differences the past few weeks about different issues. But ultimately he's a good guy and I like him. It's just been a little different."

Los Angeles Times

Tags: Los Angeles Clippers, NBA

Baron Thinks Jennings Should Be ROY

Mar 17, 2010 6:12 AM

Clippers point guard Baron Davis believes that Milwaukee's Brandon Jennings should be the NBA's Rookie of the Year this season.

"I think Brandon should be the rookie of the year because it's all about winning in this league," Davis said Tuesday. "He's been winning, and he's been doing a good job of leading his team.

"He's had the numbers and all the accolades. He's definitely the point guard of the future in this league."

Jennings led the race early in the season after scoring 55 points in just his seventh NBA game against the Warriors. However, many feel he has since been passed by Sacramento's Tyreke Evans and Golden State's Stephen Curry.

"I've been watching him since before he went to high school," Davis said. "He's always had that focus and that confidence. It's great to see your little brother grow up and be doing it. He's like a little brother to me. I just have a lot of respect for his game.

"I always knew he was going to make it, and at the level he's performing, I'm not surprised.

Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel

Tags: Los Angeles Clippers, Milwaukee Bucks, NBA

Olshey Initially Moved To LA To Become An Actor

Mar 11, 2010 10:47 AM

Neil Olshey was in New York Tuesday night when he got the biggest promotion of his career, taking a call during a Big East tournament game from the Clippers saying that they were severing ties with General Manager Mike Dunleavy.

Olshey spoke to Clippers' owner Donald Sterling and team President Andy Roeser and learned he would be assuming Dunleavy's duties, moving up from the position of assistant general manager, which he had held since the start of last season.

"I definitely didn't go to bed last night wondering how I was going to do this," he said in a telephone interview Wednesday. "It was more about what we're going to do. I feel completely confident that I'm ready."

Olshey initially moved to Los Angeles to become an actor, listening to the advice of the late Jerry Orbach, whom he appeared on an episode of 'Law & Order' with.

Los Angeles Times

Tags: Los Angeles Clippers, NBA

Olshey Didn't Have Advance Warning Of Promotion

Mar 10, 2010 1:32 PM

New Clippers general manager Neil Olshey is at Madison Square Garden for the Big East tournament on Wednesday.

Jonathan Abrams of the New York Times asked Olshey if he knew in advance that he would be promoted to general manager.

"Well, I'm here, so no," said Olshey.

Jonathan Abrams/New York Times

Tags: Los Angeles Clippers, NBA

Olshey Will Place Premium On Character As GM

Mar 10, 2010 9:06 AM

In the Clippers' press release to announce the end of Mike Dunleavy's tenure as general manager and Neil Olshey's promition to replace him, there was an ominous omission of Baron Davis.

'Olshey has played an important role in the completion of several significant team transactions, including the deals which brought Marcus Camby, Craig Smith, Rasual Butler, Steve Blake, Travis Outlaw, and Drew Gooden to the Clippers, among others. He also played a integral part in administering all preparation for the Clippers? last four NBA Drafts, which produced Al Thornton, Eric Gordon, DeAndre Jordan, and last year?s #1 overall pick, Blake Griffin.'

'Notice Baron Davis not on that list, Dunleavy's most questionable move as GM (behind the Zach Randolph acquisition - now departed and an All-Star for the Memphis Grizzlies),' writes Eric Pincus of HoopsWorld.

Though Olshey's own future is in doubt depending on what happens with the Clippers' pursuit of LeBron James, Pincus expects the new GM to value high character players in a similar manner as the Blazers and Thunder.

'Neil isn't going to bring in mercenary types like Tim Thomas or Ricky Davis but good locker room guys like Steve Blake, Butler and Smith,' writes Pincus.

Eric Pincus/HoopsWorld

Tags: Los Angeles Clippers, NBA

Baron Upset About 'New Rule' On Morning Walk-Arounds

Mar 10, 2010 8:52 AM

Baron Davis was angered about being taken out of the starting lineup Tuesday. He missed Tuesday morning's practice, staying back at the hotel with a "stomach ailment."

"I'm upset. I don't think it's fair," Davis said after the game. "If my health caused me to miss a one-hour, walk-around practice, and that determines my position on the team, then I'm not going to be happy. I didn't know I wasn't going to be able to start. I guess that is a new rule that was put in today."


Tags: Los Angeles Clippers, NBA

Kaman Impressed With How Dunleavy Was Clearing Cap Space

Mar 10, 2010 7:08 AM

Chris Kaman was shocked by the sudden departure of Mike Dunleavy on Tuesday.

?As a GM did he get rid of all of that money?? Kaman asked rhetorically. ??I think whoever made the decision to get rid of all that money (long-term contracts) did a good job of it. They left a lot of cap space for next year, and now can go after a big-time player.' That was, kind of, the goal and I think they did a good job of doing that.

Kaman was then asked about the Clippers' future.

?I don?t know what they?re going to do,? said Kaman. ?There are a lot of things the Clippers are going to need to take care of this summer. A new coach and obviously a new GM. They?re going to have the players? situation; a lot of guys are up for contracts. A lot of things to be done and a lot of decisions to be made business wise; kind of interesting to see what?s going to happen.?

Jarrod Rudolph/RealGM

Tags: Los Angeles Clippers, NBA

Baron Cites Core Talking Free Agency Upon Dunleavy's Exit

Mar 10, 2010 6:51 AM

The Clippers were surprised to hear about Mike Dunleavy's departure as general manager of the club following their loss in Orlando on Tuesday evening.

?For a free agent looking in, I think when you look at a roster that has myself, Blake Griffin, Chris Kaman and Eric Gordon coming back, well, I think it?s very attractive,? Baron Davis said when asked if the Clippers can still be in the running to sign a free agent this summer.

?I think the coach is going to be the most important thing that you can bring in, and for that part the general manager. Those are two big positions and roles that are going to need to be filled.

?Hopefully all of this can be cleared up before the free agency season comes about,? Davis said.

Davis was asked about his desire to remain with the Clippers.

?I look to be here and I want to be here,? Davis said. ?I know they brought me here for a reason. This year has been a roller coaster and a circus. Third year is a charm is the way I?m looking at it; I?m very optimistic. I?ll come back as a Clipper next year with a much better focus and a much better path to the playoffs.

Jarrod Rudolph/RealGM

Tags: Los Angeles Clippers, NBA

Dunleavy Blindsided By Clippers' Decision

Mar 10, 2010 5:55 AM

Mike Dunleavy still hasn't been told by the Clippers why they decided to cut ties with him on Tuesday night.

Dunleavy stepped down as the team's coach on Feb. 4, but remained general manager until now.

He packed for a scouting trip to the ACC tournament and when he returned to his locker Tuesday night the news hit him.

"I come back to my locker around 7 p.m. and there's a million messages on my phone," Dunleavy said.

"This guy comes up to me and said, 'What's going on? They just said on TV that the Clippers severed ties with you?'

"I had no idea what they were talking about. I'm like, 'Wow. I haven't even talked to the Clippers.' "

The team announced the decision in an e-mailed press release.

"The team has simply not made sufficient progress during Dunleavy's seven-year tenure," the statement said. "The Clippers want to win now. This transition, in conjunction with a full commitment to dedicate unlimited resources, is designed to accomplish that objective."


Tags: Los Angeles Clippers, NBA

West Won't Consider Clippers GM Job


Clippers End Dunleavy's Tenure

Press Release